Some have asked how the rain has affected our farm this year. Rain is a good thing! It is essential for things to grow. The hard thing is that there were several weeks that the ground was really too wet to plant. So we will have some times with less items than we might have had in other years. But other things will do well, like fall planted items or perennials.
Which is what we have a really good supply of right now in the form of scapes and rhubarb. Scapes are like a vegetable garlic. They come from the stem and flower of a hard-necked garlic. They are only available fresh in June for 3-4 weeks. They taste good as a fresh vegetable, they blanch and freeze well, and they make a wonderful pesto that also freezes well. Here is a longer description and a simple recipe for the pesto. And here are some scape cutting directions and the pesto recipe again.
These are available at $3.00 / lb. They are also available for $6.00 / 3 lb bag.
Rhubarb is vegetable stalk that is used primarily with fruit. It is sour and tart. Some will eat it plain, but most of us prefer it with sugar. We have 2 cakes we like with it – a strawberry rhubarb coffeecake (I try to make this with Easter breakfast) and a rhubarb upside-down cake (part of the fresh rhubarb season). Rhubarb can be frozen really easily – just slice or dice it, put it in a bag, and put it in the freezer. Then pull it out and use it in the fall or winter when the time is right.
These are $3.00 / lb. or $2.75 / lb. for 3+ lb.
For both of these 1/2 lb is about 2 cups.
What do you like to make with the scapes or with rhubarb? Let me know in the comments below. And if you would like to order some scapes or rhubarb, you can email us and let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you!