Local, fresh food for CNY

Southwick Family Farm produces beef, pork, chicken, goat, eggs, and vegetables on 75 acres in Nedrow.

  • We provide on-farm sales year round; appointments preferred
  • Or find us weekly June-October at:
    • Westcott Farmers Market – Wednesday 2-6 p.m.
    • Skaneateles Farmers Market – Thursday 3-6 p.m.
  • And monthly 2nd Wednesday of the month November-May
    • Delivery to your home – $5
    • Meat-up at Barry Park 3-3:30 p.m. to pick up your preorders

Crate of Meat – Beef or Pork

A quarter or half a cow or pig may be too much meat for you or too expensive. Enter 25 lb ish packages of beef or pork or a (milk) crate of meat. For ~ $250 we can put together about 25 lb of beef. OR for ~ $200-220 we can put together about 25 lb of pork.

Currently a crate of beef would include:

  • 1 Chuck roast
  • 1 Shaved steak pkg
  • 1 Stew meat pkg
  • 1 rib steak – 2 steaks/pkg
  • Rump roast or sirloin tip roast
  • Chuck steak or sirloin steak – 1 steak/pkg
  • Meaty shank soup bone or short ribs
  • T-bone or Porterhouse steak – 2 steaks/pkg
  • 8 tubes of ground beef, ~1 lb. each

A crate of pork would include:

  • 2 roasts – butt, loin or shoulder
  • 3 sausages ~1 lb. each – breakfast, hot or sweet Italian
  • 2 pkg smoked or unsmoked pork chops
  • 2 pkg bacon or Canadian bacon
  • 2 smoked ham slices
  • 2 tubes of ground pork, ~1 lb. each
  • 1 unsmoked or smoked ham roasts


Over the years we have observed wild grapes growing on our property. So if wild ones will grow, then perhaps a traditional cultivated one will also grow. We chose one and planted it.

Grapes like support, so we used a cattle panel as a trellis.

It is fun to see how tendrils grab the wire and support the cane as it grows. You can see a tendril on the top wire and one on the right hand wire.

Clusters of fruit need two years of plant growth – fruit grows on a cane from last year. This year’s cane also comes off of last year’s and then fruit will come from that new cane next year. Pruning is important to shape the plant and manage its fruiting.

We are still learning how to care for and prune our grape plants. We will have grapes for ourselves this year, but not enough to sell.

Organ Meats and Other Odd Meat Parts

When you think of eating meat, you think of things like roasts, steaks, and ground meat. But if you think of nose to tail eating, there are lots of other edible parts – organ meat, bones, feet, . I have said for a long time if we had the right people/cultures in the same room, nothing from an animal would be wasted. Yes, someone probably eats…(that).

If you think of organ meat, these items come to mind (clockwise, L to R) – (beef) tongue, (beef) kidney, (lamb) heart, (chicken) hearts, (chicken) livers, (pork) liver. Tongue is the sweetest of the bunch, next heart, then liver, and finally kidneys.

Size of the organ meat will vary with the size of the animal from beef, to pork, to lamb, down to chicken. So you get many chicken livers in 1 lb but only part of beef, pork or lamb liver in 1 lb. The rest of the organs are packaged individually except for pork heart and tongue which are packaged together.

Here is a post I wrote a few years ago for ways to use organ meat. Also check out the comments. We enjoy these organ meats and try to have one of them several times a month.

Other odd meat parts would include feet and legs and tails. (Clockwise, L to R) We have oxtails, chicken feet, and pig feet. Going up the leg we get (beef) meaty shank soupbones and (pork) ham hocks. (Not pictured) we also get pork neck bones and bags of (pork, beef, or lamb) bones. (We leave chicken necks attached to our chickens.) All these items make good broth and add nice flavor to dishes.

The USDA limits what things can come back from the butcher, so we get nothing from the intestinal tract – no esophagus, stomach, small or large intestines. However, there are cultures that know how to clean these things and use them either as a casing or as part of the meal. While I can’t supply these things, it doesn’t mean that with the right preparation they can’t be used.

Want to see what we have? Check out our Available Items or our Order form.

Zucchini Pizzas from Long Slices

In 2020 we posted how to make zucchini pizzas using large rounds of zucchini. Recently we made zucchini pizza again cutting the zucchini lengthwise, similar to how we cut them for zucchini lasagna.

Next we baked them at 400F for 10 minutes.

Then we covered them with tomato sauce and lots of cheese and baked them until the cheese was melted and the zucchini was tender. The thinner ones took about 10-15 min. and the thicker ones 15-20 min.

Finally we cut them in half and enjoyed our supper. Zucchini pizza from long slices!

75 Round Bales

Recently we were able to cut and bale about 15 acres of hay belonging to a friend in the LaFayette area. We took our mowing, tedding and raking equipment to the field. Then we cut it and tedded it to help it dry. Finally we put it into windrows so that another friend could round bale it for us.

The hay was loaded onto a tractor trailer, 24 bales at a time, and hauled to the farm.

Aren’t rainbows are fun to see? No, the hay didn’t get wet; the rain was somewhere else.

The hay was delivered to the farm and then it had to be moved into the barn.

The initial goal was to get the hay in the barn and under cover. Over time it will be stacked more neatly for when we need to use it in the winter.

A round bale is about the same amount of hay as 12-15 small bales.

We repeated the process two times. Finally the tractor trailer is ready to go back to its home.

We are thankful for the ability to get hay, for a dry stretch to be able to cut and dry hay, and for friends who help us with the process.

First Cutting 2024

Recently we got our first cutting of hay for 2024 – 170 bales. We have described the process here, here, and, really well, here.

First you need a hay field. To grow, hay (grass/pasture) needs sun, rain, and heat. We have had all these things this spring. Long about June 1st we look to see if the grass is tall enough and then start watching for a block of dry days.

That block came this past week and weekend. So the hay got mowed and then tedded. The tedder is pulled by the tractor. It flips the hay into the air so that the upper dry side gets put on the ground and the lower wet side can be up and can dry out. If you have a tedder, this will happen once or twice.

The field will look something like this. Then the hay will get raked into rows. Finally the baler will get pulled and the hay will be baled. Ideally it will also have a kicker that will kick the hay bales onto the wagon.

Ideally doesn’t always happen. 🙂 The kicker wasn’t sliding correctly, so we ended up putting the bales right on the ground. And the knotter (for the strings that go around the bales) wasn’t always knotting correctly. So the hay would get spread out and wouldn’t be formed into a bale. And then the race was on to get the hay in the barn before the rain. But multi-generational help got the job done!

This year’s first cutting is now in the barn, a start of what we will need for the cows and sheep this winter.

Eggs, Cheese, and Vegetables

I made a baked egg dish this week. First I sauteed a lot of vegetables, added eggs, milk, and cheese, then baked it with the lid off at 400F for 30 minutes or until it was done. It served 6 with leftovers. It was a good way to eat eggs!

Eggs, Cheese, and Vegetables

Sauteed vegetables mixed with eggs and milk and grated cheese and baked. A good way to eat eggs!


  • Oil, butter, or fat of choice
  • 1/2-1 cup/person vegetables, include what you have – broccoli, cauliflower, summer squash, zucchini, green/yellow beans, winter squash, pod peas, sweet potatoes, greens, kale, greens
  • 2 eggs/person
  • 1 tbsp-ish Milk/person
  • 1 oz grated cheese/person


  • Grease/oil skillet or ovenproof pan. Saute vegetables adding oil as needed.
  • Mix eggs and milk.
  • Mix grated cheese with sauteed vegetables. Add in egg mixture and stir well.
  • Bake uncovered in oven at 400F for 20-30 minutes or until knife comes out clean.

Spring in Nature 2024 – Part 2

Here are more views of spring 2024. The first trees have nice vibrant blossoms.

Pear tree

Pear tree blossoms

Apple blossoms

Apple Tree

These blossoms are done. Now the fruit is forming.

Peach Tree

Serviceberry Trees

Canadian Bacon & Apple Slices

This recipe was inspired by a recipe I read online. I made this simple side and it worked well.

Canadian Bacon & Apple Slices

Servings 4 servings


  • 4 slices Canadian bacon, cut in half
  • Oil for pan
  • 4 apples, cored, cut in half and sliced thin


  • Cook Canadian bacon in skillet over hot heat. Once the fat is cooked the bacon is done. Set aside on a plate.
  • Saute apples in the same pan on both sides until soft. Add oil if the pan dries. Start with two minutes a side and then cook until soft.
  • Serve apples over the Canadian bacon.

Gardens in the Spring

In spring you go and check the garden. Here we see kale and another green that wintered over and have revived.

And you check the perennials – no asparagus yet, some chives, and here is the rhubarb.

Then you check to see how the garlic is growing. This is planted in the fall and harvested in July.

Next you prep beds for new plantings of onions, potatoes, and other vegetables.

And finally you plant peas, Swiss chard, spinach and lettuce and wait for them to grow.