Our new sign came!

Westcott Community Center Farmers Market Fayetteville Farmers Market
Local, Natural, Non-GMO
Our new sign came!
We planted some brassicas this year – cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. It isn’t a lot; more just a patch to practice and get a feel for how to raise these kinds of vegetables.
On the other hand we do have several onion beds for Stuttgarter (yellow) onion and Red Baron (red) onion. Onions do well here and are enjoyed by our customers, so we like to have several sections of them.
One of our vegetable beds had some deer damage. Really Red Deer Tongue leaf lettuce got eaten down to the ground. I guess the deer like their name sake!
We are walking the dog in that section using his smell to discourage the deer’s presence. And we may need to fence it in with higher fencing.
This year we have planted Red Maria, Yukon Gold, and Kennebec potatoes. They are up and growing. The predator we need to watch for this time of year are Colorado potato beetles.
Potato beetles have four stages, three that we watch for: eggs, larva, and mature adults. First we will see the adults. They are a hard-shelled insect. They mate, then the female lays yellow eggs on the underside of the leaves. These hatch into red larva, which eat the potato leaves. As they mature they get larger, but are still red. Eventually they drop and burrow into the ground and form a chrysalis? which then hatches into a mature adult.
We fight these insects several ways. First we change the field where we have our potatoes (rotating our crops). Beetles that have wintered over from last year will still hatch and will find at least some of our potato plants. Moving the potato location means that less plants get found.
Then we look for potato beetles, eggs and larva at least twice a week. We mash the eggs and drop the larva and adults into soapy water. If we start soon enough, we will see adults and eggs the first week, then eggs and larva the next week, and finally by the third or fourth week larva and adults. The more adults and eggs you can find at the beginning the lower the larva infestation.
I think that I counted 8 beetles on this plant. You can see parts of leaves that have been eaten away. But this isn’t bad. However, if they aren’t contained, they can eat all the foliage of the potato plants. This mean that you don’t have a good potato harvest. And we have had that happen in the past. Right now we have a very small infestation. Hopefully it will stay that way!
Here is an extension sheet that talks about potato beetles in more detail.
We raise our animals outdoors, letting them have the fresh air and sunshine and eat fresh grass (cows, sheep, goats) or scratch the grass and dirt (chickens) or root in area that they are (pigs). Cows, sheep, and goats especially need to be moved regularly as grass is their food. Sheep and goats also need to be protected from predators. So how do we try to keep this in balance – being outdoors, being moved regularly, being protected from predators?
This year we are using small moveable pens. For the goats we have wooden frame with metal sheep fencing around the outside and wheels in the corners. The kids can and do get underneath, but that is happening less as they get older.
Model 2 is for the sheep. It is a bit bigger, has rough cut wood, and has no wire except at the door. Sheep are more content to stay in a fence and less likely to crawl through the fence, so they do well in this set up.
We can move these pens, giving the animals fresh grass, protecting them from predators, and keeping them in the space where we want them to be.
We have used several methods to hard-boil eggs over the years. Ron likes to steam boil them. Joe likes to put them in a pan of water and boil them for 15 minutes.
I have my own method, based on Ruffage: a practical guide to vegetables by Abra Berens. I tap the eggs, giving them a slight crack on the bottom, bring them to a boil for 1 minute, let them sit in hot water for 11 minutes, and cool them in 1 change of cold water.
After they have cooled, I crack them on all sides. Then I pull the shell off, rinsing the egg in water as needed. The pic on the left shows the cracked shells with one egg on the right still to have the shell pulled off. The pic on the left shows shelled eggs.
Hard-boiled eggs can be used a lot of ways:
(Continued from here) In the fall of 2000 we moved to our current 75 acre property. We want to give our six kids space to run and we wanted to learn how to be more self-sufficient. (20 years later we would say we want to be more resilient…we all need community.) Our resources were my childhood experiences (and therefore my family’s knowledge) and a love of learning. It also helped that I worked as a 10 month employee in a K-12 school environment. This gave me plenty of time in the summer to play farmer.
Over time we added chickens, a garden, goats, and pigs. But it only used a small portion of our land. Getting cows helped change that. Larger animals need much more pasture.
We tried lots of things and failed at many of them. U-Pick. Farming full time. Berries. Organic certification (well, we succeeded with certification but voluntarily dropped out of the program for a number of reasons). Farm memberships with pre-order discounts.
Of course, some ideas worked out. The asparagus still comes up. Grants for fencing and a pasture water system were a huge help. We’ve made good friends through our NOFA contacts. Farmers Markets. And of course, our children had lots of access to fresh air and sunshine while learning to work and be responsible.
Then in 2019 a change came in employment. As the planting season started, I began working in a traditional 12-month full-time position. This combined with normal aging significantly affected how much I could assist on the farm.
As things have unfolded, some of our children have decided to go into a joint venture with us. Until now, the farm has been mine, operating under the DBA of Treasures of Joy. Soon it will be an LLC and newly branded as Southwick Family Farm.
This is fitting. Seeing my children join us with with their age-associated energy and ideas is itself a treasure of joy. – The Farmer (RAS)
This winter we added two bred ewes to our farm. Last month they gave birth to 3 lambs between them. They are Dorper and Katahdin-Dorper cross, varieties of hair sheep. Like most outdoor mammals, hair sheep grow the extra coat that they will need to be warm in the winter. But instead of it being wool that needs to be sheared, it is self-shedding. We can brush it to help it come off, but it will also come off on its own.
The white sheep looks scruffier than the black and white one. She is still shedding. On the black and white one you can still see a tuft on the tail and shoulder, which should soon come off. The lambs have their full coats for this season and won’t be shedding.
Southwick Family Farm produces beef, pork, chicken, goat, eggs, and vegetables on 75 acres in Nedrow.
I forgot to include these babies in an earlier post – baby plants that we started indoors! Here you can see some brassicas. These will grow to be broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, or Brussel sprouts.
Here you see tomato plants in the back. The luffa plants in the front have their big initial leaves that are oval shape. Coming out of that you can see a leaf that resembles a maple leaf. Those are the true leaves of the luffa plant.
We have EGGS, EGGS, and MORE EGGS! We purchased layers in hopes of having a good supply of eggs at the markets this summer. Well, they have started laying and the refrigerator is full! So we are selling eggs – $4.00/dozen or 2 dozen for $7.00. You can pick up from the farm. Email us or call or text – 315.492.8560 – to let us know how many you want and when you are coming.