Fresh Turkey for Thanksgiving

Benjamin Franklin, commenting to his daughter about the bird shown on the Great Seal of the US, stated the following:

“I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America… He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.”
Source: Smithsonian Mag via the Franklin Institute

Yes, it is true that turkeys are a bit vain and silly. But I’m not sure about that courageous part.

The turkeys we raised this year are heritage-crosses, meaning that two heritage breeds were crossed. Like all of our animals,  the turkeys have been raised outdoors in fresh air and sunshine, regularly moved to fresh grass, and provided with non-GMO grain.

We will have six turkeys available Monday or Tuesday, November 20 or 21 (the week of Thanksgiving),  and they will be sold fresh (not frozen). We are guessing that they will be between 10 and 20 lbs and cost between $70 and $100 each.

Cooking helps with recipe links follow.

I like to cook turkey in a bag breast side down. I follow the directions and times on the box the bag came in. I think that this give a very moist meat.

Shannon Hayes from raises turkeys similar to us.  She will only roast them, breast-side up, and no bag for her. Here are her detailed directions.  The directions explain the differences between factory farmed turkeys and small family farm turkeys, including how the meat cooks, how it is raised, and how it is priced. Shannon says that she is available by email with cooking hints until noon on Thanksgiving Day as well. She has been updating these directions for the past 4-6 years, so she knows what she is doing.

Heather, from, likes to use a brine for her turkeys.  Her recipe is here. She soaks the turkey in a salt water solution for 12-24 hours and then roasts it. One of my customers used this method last year and said that her family thought that it was the best turkey dinner they had ever had.

Any of these 3 methods should work. Just don’t cook it to death, and you will be fine.  And don’t forget the carcass soup for a day or two after Thanksgiving.  My children really like this soup and ask for it year round!

To pre-order a turkey just click on the link below. [Links no longer active.]

  • Select any other meats or veggies you would like to order for your Thanksgiving week.  Beef roasts or chicken for alternative to turkey dinner, bacon, sausage, ground beef and onions or garlic are all in the options.
  • Click phone order to do cash or check payment.
  • Choose pickup or delivery at the end.
  • Final turkey payment will be made at time of pickup or delivery.  If you won’t be around for delivery, we will send a paypal bill or you can leave a check in the cooler.

Contact us to see if any turkey is still available!