The turkeys continue to grow. They are in a moveable fence getting fresh grass, supplemented with organic locally grown grains (Gianforte Farm). They pip and squeak to each other and us when we are around.

At night we put them in this moveable cage. It has roosts for them to roost and sleep on. Chicken wire covers most of the outside to protect them from local predators.
We are taking preorders for Thanksgiving. The birds are $5.00/lb. We will process them Saturday, November 21 and they will be ready for pick up that afternoon. They can be refrigerated until Thanksgiving. We anticipate that they will be between 10 and 25 lb. We request $20 deposit. We take cash, check or can send an invoice that you can pay with card.
Because we have not raised turkeys much before, we do request that you have a Thanksgiving Day backup plan, so that if 11/21 comes and the birds are too small to eat or if a predator should get them before we process them, you still have a way to get a turkey for Thanksgiving. (In this event, we would refund your deposit.) With 5-6 weeks to go, I think we have a good chance of success. But please have a back up plan!
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