Pumpkins are ready! All of them can be decorative. They are also all edible.
These are the small ones ($.50 or $1.00 each)
Jack Be Littles Wee Be Littles
And these are the pie pumpkins:
Long Pie Pumpkins (~ $3.00 each) Pie Pumpkins ($2-5 each bottom to top)
Both pie pumpkin varieties have similar flesh. Both can be stored in a 50-60F location after being given a vinegar solution wash. Usually we wash them with water and then wash them with vinegar, let them dry, and then store them in the basement. We have had pumpkins last well into April or May. Spherical ones last a bit longer than the long ones do. When we are ready to use them for a custard or as part of soup, we process them. For those directions, tap here.