Can you guess the plant based on the flower?

White flower #1

White flower #2

Yellow flower #3

White flower #4
What are these 4 plants?

White flower #1 – Yarrow plant – 10-15 years ago we planted some wildflowers in the front yard. They seemingly did not do well. However, now we have this nice bed of yarrow. Yarrow is the ferny, looking plant. This year rather than mow it, we let it grow out and so we also have pretty yarrow flowers as well.

White flower #2 – Elderberry flower – We planted 2 elderberry trees 10ish years ago as part of some trees we purchased from the annual Soil and Water Tree sale. Elderberries have this distinctive white flower that becomes purple berries. We haven’t used the flowers yet, but have used the berries in pies and in cough syrup.

Yellow flower #3 – I was surprised that this starts as a yellow flower. Most of the year you see it in its characteristic red coat. But the sumac flower starts with a yellow color and then turns red as the season progresses.

White flower #4 – This is the flower of the milkweed plant. I am always glad to come on a patch of these. Now to remember where they are when it is monarch season, that will be the goal! : )